Your location can be just as important as your subject. If the background is busy, blur it by shooting at a low aperture on a prime lens. Taken on a Canon EOS R6 with a Canon RF 85mm F1.2L USM lens at 1/320 sec, f/2 and ISO320. © Jade Keshia Gordon
Where do you start if you want to add a fashion edge to your Instagram feed or bring a more polished look to your pictures on fashion shopping sites? "Styling is key," says fashion pro Jade Keshia Gordon. "Everything from the clothes and location to the hair and makeup has to go hand in hand. It's all about creating a feeling. Most of the fashion model photos you see online are designed to get you in a buying mood, so think about how the photographers have achieved this using the light, location, colours and poses."
London-based fashion and beauty photographer Jade has been shooting professionally for 10 years, and has gained a reputation for delivering cool, contemporary concepts. As with many pros, she learned her craft doing photoshoots with friends.
Here, she shares six simple tips that can add a fashion model aesthetic to your portraits, whether you're shooting with an EOS camera, a Canon PowerShot or a smartphone.